The Seven Network’s iconic cooking show, My Kitchen Rules is set to return later this year with celebrity chefs and good mates, Manu Feildel and Colin Fassnidge, joining forces as co-hosts and judges.
Manu and Colin will be traveling across the country to meet our most passionate home cooks – real people, cooking real food, in their own homes for the chance to be crowned MKR Champions.
International food superstar Nigella Lawson will also be back as a judge this season at Kitchen HQ.
Manu said: “I am looking forward to another MKR journey in 2023. I can’t wait to meet our new teams, eat some gorgeous food and work with my good mate Colin, and it’s so wonderful to have my dear friend Nigella back to join us in Kitchen HQ. Superb!”
Colin said: “It’s great to be back with my MKR family again! I’m looking forward to getting out on the road, meeting the teams, and working with Nigella and my favourite Frenchman, Manu.”
Nigella said: “I’m so thrilled to be back on MKR! It combines two of my favourite pastimes: championing home cooking and eating wonderful Australian food.”
The return of My Kitchen Rules last year was a hit with viewers, attracting a total TV audience of 942,000 viewers and ranking #1 in its timeslot among people 25 to 54.
Production of the new season of My Kitchen Rules is set to commence this weekend, with the series to air later this year on Channel 7