Tonight during the house task, Big Brother had pulses racing and hearts set aflutter. Not only did the housemates fail the task, they also lost out on a special three-course dinner.
But there were more shocks in store with the arrival of intruders Brenton and Jules. Soon, both the alliances were battling to win over the brand-new housemates.
During the family dinner, Big Brother announced that the housemates must choose between the two intruders for the next Head of House. When Jules won and invited Dave, Estelle and Tully to the HOH suite, it was clear the royalty had a new ally.
In a gripping nominations challenge, Farmer Dave stayed strong to claim his first win, but not without making a deal with the devil. Dave’s pact with Tim to save Brenton saw him nominate royalty Trevor and floater Gabbie as safe votes, to put the squeeze on newbie Aleisha.
In the most emotional eviction ceremony to date, Dave’s plan completely backfired. The only housemate in Big Brother history to have never been nominated prior to tonight, Trevor, was eliminated.
“The guy I respect the most in the house is now gone because of what I’ve done,” Dave said.