This weekend 60 Minutes has four very different stories.
That venerable crime-fighting institution, Scotland Yard, is currently recruiting good-lookers. No, it doesn’t need more attractive police officers, but rather people with a talent for never forgetting a face. They are called “super recognisers” and they’re the tiny percentage of humans who have the ability to distinguish and differentiate one person’s face from millions of others, even if they’ve only seen that face once, and even if it was years or decades ago. British police have now formed an elite squad of “super recognisers” and their investigative results are so impressive that Australian police are now taking a closer look. And that means if you’ve got something to hide, you’d better watch out.
Reporter: Liz Hayes
Producer: Stephen Rice
At 24, Sam O’Sullivan thought he was invincible. An elite athlete and rising Aussie Rules star, nothing could stop him. Then one day seven months ago he felt slightly ill. At first he thought he had a hangover, then possibly the flu, but he didn’t get better. It turns out an extremely rare flesh-eating superbug had somehow invaded his body and was devouring his muscles. The microbe, called Necrotizing Myositis, was as virulent as it was frightening. Doctors said if Sam was lucky he’d survive, but they’d have to amputate limbs. The more likely outcome, they warned, was death. Sam O’Sullivan’s only hope was to go to war against this killer germ.
Reporter: Tara Brown
Producers: Gareth Harvey, Alice Dalley
When it comes to fun and adventure on the high seas, Australians lead the world. Every year more than a million of us are farewelled by family and friends as we head out on a cruise. And because business is so full steam ahead here, shipbuilders in Germany are working overtime to construct even bigger and more opulent ships. As Michael Usher discovered, the ocean liner assembly line is an astonishing sight that’s only matched by the mega-ships that come off it – one of which will soon be calling Australia home.
Reporter: Michael Usher
Producer: Phil Goyen
It often takes tragedy for people to realise their own incredible strength and courage. Four years ago army engineer Curtis McGrath stood on a landmine in Afghanistan. Both his legs were blown off. But Curtis was the medic on this patrol, so even though he was horrifically injured, he had to supervise his own emergency treatment. In his finest hour, he did a fantastic job – he survived. Back home, Curtis has not only learnt to walk again but has now passed an extraordinary physical test to achieve an incredible dream.
Reporter: Michael Usher
Producer: Alice Dalley
8:15pm Sunday on Nine.