Cue the cringe as the second-hand embarrassment was real last night, after Flick played the useless “Cookie Idol”, but boy did she wake up with a vengeance for Simon because of it.
Day 23 at the Villains beach and things were not looking good for Simon when Liz confronted him about his missing Idol in front of the whole tribe.
We hope you took cover, because things went from bad to worse for Simon at the Reward Challenge, when shots were fired by Flick and war was declared on Simon over the fake idol. The Villains ultimately took out the Reward Challenge and treated themselves to a delicious and well-deserved Chinese Banquet feast.
Mid food coma, the Villains addressed the elephant in the room. Simon apologised for assuming the Cookie Idol was a real idol, but the OG Heroes had already made up their minds and agreed to throw the Immunity Challenge to vote him off.
In a Tribal Council twist, instead of sending one unlucky castaway off the island, Munity was offered by JLP to anyone wanting to go the other side.
Liz was the only one who took the opportunity, where she returned to her OG Villain crew and will await Merge in the safety of her true alliance.