The Islanders and Mitch are in absolute shock as Tina arrives to date Callum. Watching from above he is completely rattled.
Callum doesn’t realise who Tina is and asks questions, and she tells him she was in the villa last year and that’s when she realises Mitch is also here. While Mitch is rattled, Tina seems to take it in her stride and doesn’t miss a beat.
A shaken Mitch and the boys go down to the firepit to chat with Tina, and she gives him nothing. She gives a few barbs including mentioning after they broke up she was disappointed when he slept with another cast mate from Love Island Australia 2021.
Tina meets all the girls and starts grafting all the boys, in front of Mitch. They eventually have a chat later in the night and she is cool and collected, basically saying she is shut off from him. Mitch is very emotional about it, saying seeing her brings back all the good memories from last year. He cries in the beach hut. At the end of the night he offers his bed to Tina and she accepts, and he sleeps in the teepee.
The next day everyone is still talking about Mitch and Tina, the common question is, do they still have feelings for each other?
In the teepee Mitch and Tina have a heart-to-heart and she admits she woke up feeling quite emotional. All the memories are flooding back and they both have a cry.
At night Mitch gets a text, all Islanders to the firepit immediately.
Sophie arrives to let them know one girl will be going home tonight. The Superfans have been voting for the girls they enjoy watching the most in the villa.
The bottom three are Jess, Phoebe H and Maddy. In a shock to the villa, the boys they are coupled up with, Al, Jordan and Callum have to decide who goes.
It’s a tough decision but they chose Maddy to leave. Maddy takes it graciously, and says she leaves with no regrets.