Tonight on Big Brother, Temptation Week went to new heights with the week’s shopping task: The Crane of Temptation.
Proving too much to resist, the temptation to hear from their loved ones on video and in the flesh left the housemates with just $80 for their weekly shopping budget.
Heartbroken and still reeling from Dave’s exit, the OGs set their sights on Brenton and Jules, as Tim and Estelle rose above their differences to bring down the intruders.
The reveal of the Waiting Room brought the game crashing down with Head of House Johnson banishing rivals Tim and Brenton to the secretive space.
In the nominations challenge, the housemates were paired up to steer five balls on a track from one end to the other, avoiding the potholes. Jaycee and Taras made the right moves to win safety from house nominations.
Reggie recruited newbies Johnson and Jaycee in her plot to nominate the intruders and, when the housemates learnt their fate, Jules knew she was fighting for her life in bottom three with Drew and Estelle.