We’ve seen the blind auditions. We’ve seen the battles. Now, it’s time for something different. Each team of eight will be singing off for one of four spots in the finals. They will be singing their own songs (no two contestants will sing the same song) and the Australian public will get to decide who goes through. It begins now!
Darren welcomes the four coaches before getting the show on the road. Tonight, Seal and Ricky’s team will be put to the test! Up first tonight is Simon Meli from Team Ricky. He’s singing Hold On I’m Coming by Sam & Dave. Seal thought it was measured and balanced. Delta says he had her from the second he started. He looks like a born performer. Joel thought it was a sequel to his explosive battle round performance. Ricky says he rocks the stage.
To vote for Simon, call 1902 55 95 01 or SMS ‘SIMON’ to 199 55 999. Downloading the track on iTunes (worth 2 votes) and voting on Facebook is an alternative voting method.
Just a reminder, that one contestant will go through as chosen by the viewers and one will go through as chosen by the mentors from each team.
Imogen Brough is next and she’s singing Celtic Woman’s The Voice (hey, neat!). Both Delta and Joel feel it wasn’t great, but it wasn’t bad. Seal thinks she still performed really well despite her setbacks.
To vote for Imogen, call 1902 55 95 02 or SMS ‘IMOGEN’ to 199 55 999.
Next is Nick Kingswell singing Olly Murs’ Army of Two. Joel thought it was great and that he is the real deal. Delta thought it worked for him and that it was cool. Seal has to shake Ricky’s hand for such a good job.
To vote for Joel, call 1902 55 95 03 or SMS ‘NICK’ to 199 55 999.
The final person from Team Ricky tonight is Karen ‘Miss Murphy’ Andrews. She’s singing Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word. Seal thinks she has a great gift and did an incredible job. The other coaches agree.
To vote for Karen, call 1902 55 95 04 or SMS ‘KAREN’ to 199 55 999.
We then review the performances thus far. Really? Already?
Now it’s time for Team Seal and first up is Michelle Martinez. She’s performing Dedication to my Ex. Delta liked it but didn’t think it was her best vocal performance. Ricky loves seeing her performances. Joel wants to be his ex and next.
To vote for Michelle, call 1902 55 95 05 or SMS ‘MICHELLE’ to 199 55 999.
Alex Gibson is next. He’s singing Sounds of Silence. Ricky thinks it was a beautiful performance. Joel tells Alex to say ‘You Can-Brah’ Everytime he is nervous (an ode to his hometown of Canberra) and he can’t stop laughing. Delta loves it as well. Seal actually thinks he can do better.
To vote for Alex, call 1902 55 95 06 or SMS ‘ALEX’ to 199 55 999.
The penultimate performance tonight is Hannah Darling. Apparently, after the battle round, Hannah wasn’t returning some of Seal’s phone calls. She’s singing Linger. Joel is so happy Seal saved her. Delta thinks this opportunity has slipped through her hands. Ricky didn’t get a better rendition of the original which disappoints him.
To vote for Hannah, call 1902 55 95 07 or SMS ‘HANNAH’ to 199 55 999.
Harrison Craig is last tonight. He’s singing Michael Buble’s Home. Delta loves the depth and taste of the song. Ricky says his mum says hi to Harrison. He loved the song. Joel sees a bit of him in Harrison.
To vote for Harrison, call 1902 55 95 08 or SMS ‘HARRISON’ to 199 55 999.
We review the performances before the show ends. That’s it ‘till tomorrow!