IN 2012 it was the biggest show of the year now lets see what this year holds. Judges are Joel Madden Seal Delta Goodrem and Ricky Martin.
We get a passing of the torch moment From Kieth Urban to Rick Martian then its time to begin.
The judges are doing a rendition of Rhianna’s Diamonds in the sky. It is absolutely fantastic and captivating. This year each judge needs 14 artists
First up to be judged is Katie Dunsten from Victoria she is 16 the voice gives her the opportunity to follow her dreams after year of pub gigs her 90 seconds starts now.
She is singing Brand New Key by Melanie Delta turns then all the other judges turn.
Joel calls her a super doper doper star, She is amazing, ,Delta sees an artist and would be able to guide her. Ricky says he was fascinated Katie has to pick a judge she picks Ricky.
Next up is 20 year old Nathen Allgood he sings House is Not A Home. He is really good Delta turns followed by Joel and Ricky. Delta calls him accomplished. Ricky didn’t push his button earlier cause he was taken on a Journey Joel respects him. He admits he plays the trumpet and writes his own music He picks Delta as he’s always to work with her.
Simon Me is in an indie banli is jet lagged after a 30 hour flight from overseas touring.he is singing Rumble On Delta turns first followed by seal Joel and Ricky last.
Delta believes in him Joel calls insane and incredible and Ricky wants to work with him.Now Simon has to pick but we have an ad break.
Now we are back and Simon picks Ricky.
Celia Pavey grow up in the country she now attends the Australian Institute of Music She is going to be playing the Guitar she sings Scouting fair Delta instantly turns eventually all 4 turn and she forgoes her words but soldiers on.
Delta calls it the best performance they have seen Ricky says he wishes she could hear her Voice Seal heard the quality in her voice. Joel wants to hear her own music and begs by getting on his knees. She picks Delta.
Evan Moring had brain tumor. singing for him can be hit and miss.
He is singing How Deep is your Love unfortunately one turns and he was really good
Joel says he has a great voice but he didn’t hear the moment. His partner has always wanted to meet Ricky so they bring her out and Delta is crying Joel Consuls her.
Next up is Lara Parker Kent her father is famous from a band. Shes doining this as she wants her confidence back but more later.
Akex Gibision is a busker he doesn’t fit the profile for a singer. he is Singing Blackbird, Seal turns followed by Joel Seal says he has a fantastic voice. Rickey is just glad he witnessed it, Seal says he has beautiful tone. He had already decided Seal was going to be his coach
Back to Laura and she’s singing Living On A Prayer and absolutely smashing it but no one pushes that Button Delta calls it wonderful Ricky calls her awesome Joel is gutted but Laura got her hug from Ricky Martin so shes OK.
Last up is Lyric Macfarlend she is a a lead singer in a band. she is singing Shy Guy and Joel turns Seal and Delta turn followed by Ricky at the end of the song.
Delta wants to take her to the end of The Voice Seal says she owned it, Joel says it’s on like Donkey Kong and she picks Joel and he is ecstatic.
So to wrap up Delta and Ricky have 2 artists with Seal and Joel only have 1 .
Let’s do it all again tomorrow.