Last week the battles kicked off with eight performances tonight some fall while others will shine.
First up to battle this evening is team Ricky’s Luke Kennedy vs. Belinda Adams they will be singing the song I Dreamed A Dream from Les Miserable .Both are excellent but with Luke’s background in opera his voice seemed stronger. It’s a hard one to pick. But I’m Luke all the way.
Seal– I have nothing to say – you were both perfect. Possibly the most perfect performance we have seen. Refuses to choose. Joel – Refuses to choose. Delta – Luke, because of his tone. Ricky – Luke. Belinda is not saved.
Now for Team Joel and it’s Kiyomi Vella against Maya Weiss singing Human by The Killers. Kiyomi voice is so quirky she should be singing originals while Maya is more suited to familiar songs so this is different. They wish each other good luck and with the battle begin. This is an interesting battle I prefer Kiyomi her voice has more appeal for me
Delta Kiyomi intriguing Ricky says he couldn’t keep his eyes off Kiyomi seal would choose Kiyomi Maya begs Joel for a chance as they both know she can do better and she will prove it. It’s tough for him so he takes a time out to talk to ben lee. Joel loves them both but Kiyomi discovered something about herself so she wins and Maya departs the stage.
Next in the ring will be Sarah Martin and Shawne Kirke. They are going to sing the Living Colour song Love Rears its Ugly Head. Seal is telling Shawne he has an uphill battle because Sarah is mobile while he isn’t and to use that both to their advantage. Shwne is going well as is Sarah but she seems to try too hard and Shawne comes out as a stronger singer. Joel – Shawne Ricky – Shawne Delta – Sarah Seal – Shawne as Sarah exits the show.
Its Ricky time again with duo Bec and Sebastian up against James Walker. They will be singing Third Eye Blind’s “Semi Charmed Life” Bec is a little stressed and bursts into tears because the song is a tough one. This is a shocker and it seems a little off key for both artists. James wins the battle and the twins are goners.
Lyric McFarland and Emma Pask are up singing What a Wonderful World. They are both working the stage and both deliver a truly magical performance that left me wanting more. Delta doesn’t know how Joel will pick but lyric owned it Ricky was special would go lyric seal agrees and would choose lyric. Joel says they both deserve it he chooses Lyric Will anyone save Emma? Yep Ricky does.
Team Ricky has Kaity Dunstan and Nick Kingswell goes head to head singing Girl’s Just Wanna Have Fun. This would have to be one of the strangest battles ever. Kaity unique voice is murdering the song while nick isn’t that great but at least we can understand him.
Seal – Kaity sometimes you just have to sing the melody chooses Nick. Delta calls it too different. Chooses Nick. Joel – Nick Ricky – Nick and we say farewell to Kaity
For the second last performance tonight Pianist Jackie Sannia is up against classically trained Jenna Dearness-Dark, singing My Immortal by Evanescence on Team Delta. It was so good I forgot to take notes. Ricky goes with Jackie Seal says that it was exceptional chooses Jackie. Joel chooses Jenna. So Delta chooses Jackie because she is more prepared to take that next step.
Our final battle for this episode Team Joel again and it’s Danni Hodson against Hannah Darling. They perform Some Nights by Fun. This should be good. However it seems they both lack the passion it’s a good performance though.
Delta was not captivated by either and chooses Danni who also got picked by Ricky
Seal – Neither of you seemed in the moment however Hannah got his vote, Joel picked Danni Hannah who is upset is comforted by Seal who tells her to brave and he saves her. The episode ends with Delta being the only judge who can save.