The Bureau of Magical Things Season 2 Review

The Bureau of Magical Things Season 2 Review

Tomorrow, 10Shake returns the incredibly popular The Bureau of Magical Things for a second outing.

In case you didn’t see season one or you’re a little foggy on what’s already happened, we met Kyra (Kimie Tsukakoshi), a regular teenage girl who acquired magical powers when she found herself caught in a clash between an elf and a fairy. With her powers, Kyra discovered a secret world of magic that had existed all around her, but remains unseen to the mere mortal world.

When we last left off, the Bureau of Magical Things was formed with Kyra, Imogen (Elizabeth Cullen), Lily (Mia Milnes), Rusky (Rainbow Wedell), and Peter (Jamie Carter), to minimise future magical outbreaks.

In season two, we pick up with Darra (Julian Cullen) in Thailand, on the hunt for something legendary, but things aren’t always simple, and soon enough a quest is underway. Meanwhile, when Kyra is magically snatched from Lily’s sleepover and transported to a Bangkok warehouse, it become clear that the world of elves and fairies is at stake.

There is obviously much more to the story this season, I can assure that that it’s best to experience the unfolding plot as the story plays out.

The cast are a captivating bunch and the 45-minute season premiere just flew by. The writers have delivered an engrossing mystery and fans are in for a magical journey across 20 episodes.

This is the perfect viewing for the whole family.

4.5 Stars

The Bureau of Magical Things airs back-to-back episodes from 2:00pm every Saturday AND Sunday on 10Shake.


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