Yesterday, Bec’s mother passed away and it’s not easy news for anyone. How will The Block cope and how will the bedrooms come along?
The contestants wake up to gutted hotel rooms and an empty level three. They all commit to help share the load and assist the renovation of Bec & George’s room.
Alisa & Lysandra’s plasterer comes in very early and Alisa is worried that the noise they’re making is too loud however Lysandra confirms they’re not using power tools. Unfortunately, they do manage to wake the other teams up.
Later on in the day, the bedheads they all made in week one have arrived. It’s a rule that they have to use it in one of their bedrooms (and it will have to be in this one) and can only make MINOR changes. The definition of ‘minor’ is skewed with some teams only changing small details. However, Madi & Jarrod decide to completely rebuild their bedhead. Yep, that’s not minor. This is a problem.
Lysandra also reminds Keith about the paint job they have to do on the exterior. They had two weeks, but with everything going on, they haven’t had time. So, they all get to it now.
Scott then comes around and asks about everyone’s budget. The twins admit they don’t budget. Meanwhile, as a professional plasterer, Matt saves a lot of money doing his own plastering. Madi and Trixie go to Myer for bedding…but end up shopping for beauty.
Meanwhile, Johnno is in pain as he works through a hangover. Luckily he notices Trixie’s new look eyebrows.
With Bec & George absent, Lysandra and Alisa help paint their exterior. Meanwhile, the ‘minor’ changes to people’s bedheads are still being completed. Matt & Kim turn their volume cubes into hexagons!
Tom decides to rip off the pillows from Bec & George’s bedhead. No one seems to know what ‘re-jig’ means. When Keith finds out about Jarrod’s plan to completely build a new bedhead, he tells Madi to stop work. They’re not allowed to do it.
The twins invite the entire Block clan, including Keith, to a cocktail night. Trixie & Johnno are a bit awkward about it. They don’t really want to go, but it will look bad if they don’t.