The final rooms of the block begin construction tonight, but what will the contestants think of last week’s rooms?
The fact that the reserve plays a part in the results means that teams will be more harsh than usual.
First up for judging is the laundry hallway and bathroom combination done by the twins who came last. Trixie doesn’t like the wallpaper saying it looks like vermiculite. Matt and Kim loved the light display boxes so did Jarrod. The black cabinetry drew mixed reactions. While no one liked the egg shaped toilet.
Matt and Kim’s master bedroom was next. Trixie loves the wall while George and Bec call it a nice but predictable room.
Trixie and Jhonno bathroom is loved by everyone except the twins who thin the bath is too small.
Bec and George’s guest bedroom is called a wonderland by Trixie. In the ensuite girls notice that the finishes aren’t done. The wardrobe also has the same problem for Matt and Kim
Madi and Jarrod’s winning bathroom and ensuite is last to be judged. Trixie and Jhonno love the bedside tables while the twins call it bare. The bathroom tiles are loved by Jhonno. The twins finally like a room.
As night falls Madi and Jarrod are happy as are Bec and George. The twins and matt and Kim aren’t impressed that Bec and George g0t $10000 off there reserve when it wasn’t finished properly saying it sucks.
The block has finally entered its final week and everyone’s ecstatic. The twins are going to be working on the open plan kitchen. However due to trades not following Keith’s instructions before he left the worksite to clean and remove the scaffolding no one can start work before it is done. Madi and Jarrod can’t start landscaping at all. They have a Palm Springs feel. Matt and Kim are also doing a courtyard however Trixie and Jhonno are carting their plaster through. Trixie is working on a living area that will have polished concrete floors that will flow into Trixie and Johnno’s and Bec and George’s dining area.
The price however will apparently not be lowered for Trixie and Bec. This makes Bec nervous but after thinking of getting quotes they decide against it and they will use the same person as the twins. Alisa has said that while she will work with them they are the priority.
All the scaffolding has been cleared so no everyone can get to work. The twins are doing what they now best with a high end kitchen. Bec and George are thinking of a brick wall feature. Due to the block not having adequate foundations they can’t do it. So they will go with cladding on the walls
The concreter has turned up but his machine keeps tripping out so they get some generators to handle the power of the machine so crisis averted.
Jarrod is digging holes for his deck. Matt and Kim and Jarrod and Madi will share the front section and after some discussion they work together so it flows. Bec and George are going to make their own chandelier. Since Jhonno can’t access his room he helps Jarrod to dig holes.
As night falls the contestants have organised a thank you party for their trades involved in helping them.
The morning after Jhonno is slowly getting out of bed. With no power tools able to be used matt is building his bench seat. The block gets a visit from father bob who blesses the block and returns last year’s gnome.
To end the episode Bec George and Trixie complete a charity walk for breast cancer it’s clearly an emotional filled day for Bec and everyone involved.