Our Blockheads on Bronte Court in Hampton have been renovating for 45 days, they are officially half way there. Everyone is busy completing their Guest Bedroom and Re Do room, but drama is brewing.
Georgia hears that Tanya and Vito want to dramatically change their challenge piece. The contestants earlier in the week completed a challenge where they had to make something that has to go in this week’s Guest Bedroom.
After Shelley came and said they can change it around, Tanya and Vito believe this means they have free reign.
Georgia calls a meeting in the McCafe and says her thoughts – you can tweak, but not change, that’s against the rules.
Tanya and Josh in particular say they don’t care – if someone wants to change their piece, go for it. Tanya points to the fact Shelley told her that.
It ends with Tanya storming out and saying Ronnie and Georgia aren’t the boss of all things. Georgia and Mitch and Mark aren’t happy. They still have issues with Tanya over the schedule photo and cheating drama. Georgia feels that Tanya in particular just does whatever she wants.
The drama subsides and everyone completes their rooms. Scotty calls “tools down,” again.
Our judges Shaynna, Neale and Darren arrive on The Block.
Ronnie and Georgia spent $24,680: Shaynna makes a big statement, the colour palette and what Georgia has done with the styling make this room her favourite on The Block so far. The challenge piece looks great. The finishing on the door, the plastering is top notch. The choice of bedding brilliant. This room and its neutral tone will appeal to lots of buyers. In the Re Do room, the walk-in-robe in the Master Bedroom, the judges smile. This time by widening it, Ronnie and Georgia have got it just right.
Score 29/30
Mitch and Mark spent $22,461: Mitch and Mark wanted to deliver a joyous room for the kids, and the judges agreed with them – this room is lovely and nearly perfect. Shaynna doesn’t like the layout of the ceiling and one too many Velux skylights. However she thinks the room is cute and playful. Whimsical is a word that gets thrown around a bit. The styling was perfect. It will be a big winner with a buyer who has small children. The Re Do room, Mitch and Mark’s first bedroom which was slammed, was much more in line with the rest of the house. It has pizzaz that was missing in their first attempt.
Score 28/30
Tanya and Vito spent $15,220: They loved the kids themed room and the terrazzo wallpaper. Neale loved it, however he did point out the room is not as flexible for buyers who might not have children. The challenge piece surprisingly belongs in the room after Tanya and Vito modified it. As for the Re Do room, the judges were so happy Tanya and Vito got rid of the brown tiles and replaced them with a more neutral off white.
Score 27/30
Josh and Luke spent $17,248: Darren said it all, “this is a misstep,”. The boys delivered an awful room according to all three judges. It was very weird. The bed didn’t go with the panelling. Nothing fitted together. Their Re-Do bathroom wasn’t much better, infact the judges thought it looked worse.
Score 20/30
Kirsty and Jesse spent $19,855: A kids room with a beautiful Hamptons influence, just perfect the judges said. The Grafico wallpaper worked really well. The lighting layout was spot on. The wardrobe was well styled. One thing, they could have had more storage. The Dolly Parton references were very cute. The Re-Do room upstairs in the bedroom, they loved it. The softer paint colour compared to the blue was the right decision. The judges feel Kirsty and Jesse are learning every week.
Score 28.5/30
So the results are in, and once again Ronnie and Georgia win.