The Bachelor reveals 2019 Bachelorettes

The Bachelor reveals 2019 Bachelorettes

Ahead of this Wednesday night’s highly-anticipated premiere episode of The Bachelor Australia 10 has announced the ladies vying for Matt’s heart.

Ranging in age from 23 to 34 and hailing from all over the country and abroad, this year’s Bachelorettes are a diverse group of women with one thing in common: a passion to find “the one”.

Bachelor Matt Agnew opens the doors of the Bachelor mansion to welcome this select group of ladies on their romance journey of a lifetime. Through a series of cocktail parties and breathtakingly memorable dates, they will discover who has the chemistry, intelligence, sense of adventure and charm to be Matt’s perfect partner.

New South Wales has delivered nine ladies in nurse Elly, fashion brand manager Emma, sports teacher Tash, personal trainer Rachael, civil engineer Sogand, model Vakoo, children’s entertainer Julia, fashion designer Monique and student Nikki.

Asked why she wanted to be a part of The Bachelor Australia, Elly said: “I wanted to take a bit of a chance. You never know where life is going to take you, so if you don’t take chances then you’re going to stay put and you won’t find out”.

Eight beauties hail from Victoria: chemical engineer Chelsie, copywriter Sophie, digital account manager Hannah, cook Mary, makeup artist Jessica, chartered accountant Danush, public servant Sam and nurse Tara.

On her plan to win over The Bachelor’s heart, Chelsie said: “I just want to go in and be myself. If that is not good enough, then I don’t think it’s meant to be”.

Property analyst Abbie, café manager Nichole, Pilates instructor Isabelle, cosmetic nurse Georgie, textiles designer Keely and China researcher Kristen bring the six enviable tans from sunny Queensland, and health coach Helena, executive PA Jessie and clerical officer Brianna represent Western Australia.

Hailing from the Top End is healthcare coordinator Renee and waving the flag for Adelaide is jewellery designer Cassandra.

Matt said: “It may be an unorthodox way to meet someone, but I think it’ll be a sensational experience and make for a cracking ‘how we met’ story!”

The Bachelor Australia promises another extraordinary season filled with drama, humour, adventure and romance that captivates Australian viewers, as the country follows Matt’s journey to find love.

On Wednesday night, Matt is introduced to 20 beautiful Bachelorettes, before we shake things up on Thursday night with eight unexpected arrivals.

The Bachelor Australia Premieres Wednesday, 31 July At 7.30pm on 10


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