Last night Survivor proved that nobody is safe with an epic blindside on the champions tribe.
After dismantling the “Sporting Alliance” at last night’s Tribal Council, Luke was all laughs having pulled Ross and Abbey into the “Fun Alliance” putting him, Pia, Janine and David on top of the Tribe.
After avoiding Tribal Council yet again, morale was high over at the
Contender’s camp where Sarah decided to tell the tribe about her harrowing experience, surviving the Boxing Day Tsunami in Sri Lanka and how it cost her friend his life.
Arriving at the Reward Challenge, the Tribes were faced with the dreaded Towers of Terror. Tribe members had to jump off high towers, catch a flag and solve a puzzle, with hot chocolate and marshmallows up for grabs.
While everyone was intimidated by the challenge, Sarah was struck with fear as she re-lived terrifying memories of the tsunami. The Champions inevitably took the lead while Sarah was trying to work up the courage to jump but in the end, the fear got the better of her. Showing their support for Sarah, John and Matt swam back and reassured her that she didn’t let the team down.
The Champions were given the opportunity to invite one of the Contenders back to their camp to share their reward and unanimously chose “mulletboy” John. While everyone was indulging in their hot chocolate, Janine found and an Idol clue and snuck away from the camp to go on the hunt to find it.
However, upon finding the Idol, Janine is frustrated to learn that it was a “Contender Idol” she must swap, in return for a “Champions Idol”.
At the Immunity Challenge, the tribes had to manoeuvre themselves through an obstacle course, while tethered to a rope. Once all tribe members were through, they then had to throw four balls up a ramp and into a bucket. The Champions and Contenders were neck and neck until Pia and Luke got themselves tangled together, setting the Champions back.
With yet another Tribal Council looming, Steve and Nova were still angry at Ross and Abbey’s betrayal and were gunning for revenge. Steve confronted Abbey, accusing her of being ‘weak’ in her decision to flip on her alliance. The discussion quickly got heated, leaving Abbey in tears.
Back on the beach, the rest of Abbey’s new alliance immediately confront Steve about his actions but Nova fought back and defended Steve, accusing Abbey of crocodile tears.
While it looked like Steve was the easy vote at Tribal Council, everything turned in an instant when Nova was completely blindsided and became the fourth person voted out of Australian Survivor.