And just like that, eliminations have begun! Cue the tears and tissues and a great big bear hug from everyone’s favourite TV mum, Debra Lawrance.
But before the goodbyes, there was the conquering legit fears in our Viper Room trial. Dom was essentially buried alive with corn and dumped on from high with 65 snakes, all while Dicko had his head in a cage with snakes dropped in each minute.
To claim the stars, Dicko had to describe celebs in three words for Dom to guess and voila, 11 meals were scored for camp.
Not only that but Dom came back into camp with popcorn kernels in all sorts of places leading to Adam demanding snake piss popcorn be cooked in the pot immediately! Some campmates were dubious, but snake-flavoured popcorn was given a kinda thumbs up by celebs all round.
Deb reminisced with Woody about Hollywood knocking on the door of Heath Ledger, Chris Hemsworth, Isla Fischer and Melissa George post stints on Home & Away and more conversations with opposing opinions were raised, this time on the topic of same sex marriage.
But as they say, all good things must come to an end and the jungle lights dimmed for Anna and Bianca. Both with big, infectious laughs, camp life sure will be a quieter place.
Not wanting to cause a fuss when it came to cooking, Anna Polyviou, the pink haired celeb chef firecracker did butt heads with Dicko over meals on the odd occasion, but it was her sense of humour and lack of whip cracking skills that endeared her to everyone.
Involved in many amazingly profound conversations in camp, including the importance of having people of colour represented in the media, TV Presenter Bianca Hunt left her mark on the hearts of celebs and Aussies alike. Making us think differently, the pint-sized pocket rocket may have regurgitated horrendous things in Fear Pong, but she’s left her mark well and truly on the South African jungle.