Next month Showcase will air a must see documentary.
Dukale’s Dream is an inspirational story about Hugh Jackman’s unlikely friendship with an Ethiopian coffee farmer, named Dukale, which sends him on a life-changing journey.
In 2009, actors Hugh Jackman and Deborra-lee Furness travelled to Ethiopia as ambassadors for World Vision Australia, one of the world’s largest humanitarian organisations. As longtime donors, they wanted to visit a World Vision community development project to see how rural communities were being empowered to eradicate poverty.
While in the Yirgacheffe region, Hugh met a 27-year-old coffee farmer, named Dukale, working to lift his family out of poverty. Spending time on Dukale’s farm, Hugh learned first-hand about the value of fair trade coffee and clean cookstove technology. By utilising shade grown farming practices and limiting reliance on fossil fuels, Dukale was able to create a bio-farm with a zero carbon footprint and resounding health implications for his family. Additionally, his wife Adanesh, who traditionally collected firewood for the family’s energy needs, now had time to focus on other income generating opportunities while their children pursued an education.
Hugh came to understand something as simple as a cup of coffee had the potential to reduce global poverty through the choices consumers make. In 2011, he launched Laughing Man Coffee & Tea to provide a market for farmers like Dukale and he contributes 100 % of his profits to the Laughing Man Foundation to support educational programs, community development and social entrepreneurs around the world.
Dukale’s Dream airs Sunday, September 11 at 9.30pm AEST, on Foxtel’s showcase channel.