Seven gives Away MKR Comeback Kitchen results

Channel Seven had a storm on their hands after they aired a promo giving away the results of last nights comeback kitchen while the show was on air.

The promo  gave away the ending of the episode to fans who were still watching to see if Angela and Melina or Sophia and Ashlee might return.

On Twitter, viewers vented their anger at Seven:

Channel7 next time you decide to run a promo 4 GF wk on MKR wait til come back kitchen is over!You spoiled it 4 us!

It was nice of @Channel7 to ruin #MKR 40 minutes into a 2 hour episode. Show the winner on a advert for #MKR this week? Lame.

@Channel7 you don’t need a red nose to be a clown.. #MKR #comebackkitchen #grandfinalgiveaway

Wtf??? Channel 7 you do this all the time and ruin the show #mkr

They played that ad all they the show!!!! #spoiler during the whole thing!! Stupid #mkr #channel7

Ch 7 gives away MKR end in ads: SOCIAL media users have blasted Channel 7 for giving away the ending of My Kitchen Rules

Am watching MKR now even though I know result as saw dang ad of Tassie Boys back in tomorrow.

@Channel7 haha you stupid f***** idiots #mkr

 Mick and Matt win HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH good stuff up channel 7 #MKR

a copy of the promo is below



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