Sabina Is Defeated In A Top Six Showdown.

Sabina Is Defeated In A Top Six Showdown.

The top six-faced an epic challenge to survive on MasterChef

The top six competed in their first service challenge at Martin Benn’s new fine dining restaurant, Society. They each had to prepare a course with a feature ingredient chosen by Martin.

Pete’s ingredient was nori seaweed and Jock described his celeriac and nori croissant as purism on a plate.

Mel said Elise’s pearl barley and shitake mushroom risotto with feature ingredient yuzu smelt incredible and Martin said the dish tasted like autumn in Japan. 

Justin was presented with tarragon for the third course, and when the judges tasted his butter poached lobster with butter and tarragon emulsion with tarragon oil they declared it worthy of three Michelin stars.

Course four was prepared by Kishwar, and she was pleased with her hero ingredient of pink peppercorn. Melissa said Kishwar’s quail dish was overwhelming, incredible and delicate. 

Sabina made her way to the kitchen to find Martin had chosen macadamia. The curd in her dish was lovely, but the judges agreed that they didn’t like the raw macadamia flavour of her ice cream.

Linda was the last to cook and she decided to make a miso ice cream with a yuzu syrup and a peanut crumb. Martin said it was perfectly balanced, and Andy said the dish was all about her feature ingredient of sweet miso.

It was an epic challenge, and on a day when every detail mattered, it was Sabina who created the least impressive dish and she was sent home.


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