My Kitchen Rules farewells another team

My Kitchen Rules farewells another team

Disaster struck Tim and Dee last night as My Kitchen Rules farewelled another team.

Tim and Dee – who entered the competition to celebrate their first wedding anniversary – nearly signed their divorce papers after a series of monumental disasters which saw them bickering for most of the night, resulting in a lowly score of just 36/110.

Dee had a meltdown while preparing her Lentejas (Spanish lentil soup) after running out of time to fry the chorizo, forgetting to add the ham hock and most disturbingly, when Tim forgot to stir the onions.

“They’re ruined. It’s not ok. Brown is bitter flavour. You’re not helping me, pay attention,” an emotional Dee blasted her husband.

Then Tim apparently ruined the bread. “It’s not normal, it’s not right. You’ve ruined it! I don’t know what you’ve done. This whole night is already ruined,” yelled Dee.

Despite being ordered to throw it out, Tim added a little bit of flour and brought the bread back to life. But it wasn’t enough to appease his wife, who told him, “I’m very frustrated with you beyond words,” when he spilt red wine while making sangria for their guests. “I stuffed up; I’m sincerely apologetic,” said a rueful Tim.

Dee was back to her smiling self in time for their guests’ arrival, but it didn’t last long when she realised that Tim had bought coriander seeds instead of cumin.

“I’m really annoyed at you. Cumin is such a Spanish flavour. I’m really upset. What have you done? All our guests are here, it’s too late. I’m personally mortified. I’m really upset but I’m not going to let it get to me. I just need to get this entrée out,” she said.

The entrée, while looking fresh and colourful, did not excite judge Colin Fassnidge’s taste buds. He scored it two. Rachel Khoo called it a “big bowl of disappointment” in giving it a three.

After wiping away a few tears, Dee smelt smoke as Tim burnt the breadcrumbs that were destined for their meatballs for the main of Albondigas con Potatas Bravas.

“We’ve just set fire to breadcrumbs; I’m so embarrassed. That bread took us an hour to make. And these meatballs need breadcrumbs. We’re going to have to use the packet,” said a deflated Dee.

But Tim’s cooking skills came under fire, or more accurately lack thereof, when they tested a meatball to discover it was still raw because the gas had turned off. “This makes me really angry. The gas is not even on! Oh my god, if you don’t even put them on the fire what are we even doing here? Just cook them, you’re pissing me off.”

But Tim did not cook them anymore and instead served raw meatballs to all his guests resulting in scores of just two from both Colin and Rachel.

While competitor Lauren pondered whether the teams would vote sympathetically after Dee shed a few more tears, the hosts actually brought it home with a beautiful-looking Flan de Huevo for dessert.

“I used to have that a lot growing up,” said Colin. “It was smooth, it was elegant. I was happy to see the fresh vanilla in there. But I wanted more caramel.” He awarded it a six, as did Rachel.

But it was not enough to save the duo, who leave 15 teams behind to battle it out for the title.

 It’s still an uphill battle for competitive South Australians Carmine and Lauren who enter the Redemption Round battle as the lowest-scoring team.

Tonight  proud West Australian sweethearts Nev and Kell are out to salvage their cooking reputation as they invite judges Pete Evans and Manu Feildel and a whole host of new teams into their home for the first instant restaurant of the Redemption Round.

“I just wanted perfection and when I couldn’t get it, it devastated me,” admits Nev, who is adamant he won’t be among the two teams being eliminated at the end of this round. 

The teams competing in Redemption Round are:

Rosie and Paige (SA) – 59

Monique and Sarah (NSW) – 68

Alex and Gareth (Qld) – 60

Tasia and Gracia (VIC) – 61

Hazel and Lisa (Qld) – 57

Lauren and Carmine (SA) – 51

 My Kitchen Rules airs Monday to Wednesday at 7.30pm and Sunday at 7.00pm


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