Arriving in Arachova Greece to freezing temperatures, Teams raced to participate in their own Big Greek Wedding, suiting up and dressing in white while pinning 10,000 Euro to a the bride’s dress. Once successfully spun around three times without dropping cash, they received their next clue.
With a blizzard brewing and the ski slope closed for safety, Teams had to pivot from dropping balls into a target from a chairlift to building a snowman. Sounds easy right? Wrong!
Ice is not a snowman’s friend and despite best efforts, all Teams struggled to make their snowman the correct height.
After a bus ride back into town, the Teams were released in order they completed the snowman challenge and it was then a two kilometre foot race to Beau at the Pit Stop.
Pako and Mori checked in first with Sam and Stu struggling with the final run and landing on the mat last, eliminating them from the race.