It’s finally here the new Masterchrf means more food more drama and more fun in a new location so let’s go?
The season opens at The MCG where we the contests walking into the MCG. We meet Kelty he is a stay at home dad whose life is just missing that one thing a career. As they continue to walk we meet Noelene she is 58 been married 3 times and has 5 adult children who live their own life now she wants to get hers back. Simarah is next she is a stay at home mum who has three obsessions her kids, shoes and handbags. We finally see the judges who welcome us all to a new city, kitchen and new people
We also learn that this year there is no top 50. We are getting straight into it with the top 22.
We get the usual lives will change speeches from the judges then we get straight into it. Over the next two weeks we are going to find out who are the better cooks the girls or the guys. With that the groups are split into teams and it’s off to the locker rooms. The boys have blue aprons while the girls red. We see Michael story he’s from Adelaide and he will speak with swear words if we don’t mind apparently. After some last minute team bonding it’s time to run on to the G.
In the middle of the ground the judges are waiting with tonight’s challenge. They will be cooking a family dinner for the opposing team. They have to decide what they are going to cook with a budget of $204 dollars which is the average amount families spend on food each week. There is also a bonus $33.70 up for grabs which is the average takeaway budget for the week. So to decide who gets the extra money one person from each will have to separate 1kg of egg whites from the yoke as quickly as possible
The boys choose Reshi who is a self-confessed nerd with two degrees and maths being his strong point figures out he needs to crack 20 eggs or so. While the girls choose Opera singer Clarrrisa because she has heard you should crack the egg on a surface rather than over the bowl.
With that the challenge begins and Rishi is off to a flying start while Clarrrisa takes the slow and steady approach. Rishi takes his eggs up to be weighed after less than a minute but he only has 814 Grams. So the girls keep urging Clarrrisa on and she seems to be moving faster while unfortunately for the boys Rashi accidently put some shell in. she has almost caught up but the boys take it to be weighed again and it just hits the target. With that the boys are ecstatic. The girls aren’t all that fussed
Both teams have 4 hours to plan and cook their meal. The boys choose Nicky who is a pharmacy assistant as the leader. They have decided that they will cook a pumpkin soup a chicken mushroom and leak pie with Keltiy’s mushie peas. While Dan will make a japonasi cake.
The girls have put social worker Jules as team leader who has put all the mums in charge of her dishes which are pasta for entrée Samari signature dish which is chicken with a nut topping while Jules is in charge of the lemon tart for desert. \
Both teams have arrived at Coles at the same time to get their ingredients the guys are being methodical and checking their budget. The girls have split up and are already to go through the checkout thanks to Friaza having worked at Coles for the past few years.
The guys are confident that they are under budget. While the girls are over budget thanks to the doubling up of ingredients a big fight at the checkout erupts over what to cut and keep that eventually is sorted out and the girls off meanwhile the boys are majorly over budget.
The girls have arrived at the new Master chef Kitchen which is impressive there is now a huge herb garden and lolly shop. The girls set to work on their dishes. After about 15 minutes or so the boy arrive and there is 2 .5 hours left.
Seeing the girls already hard at work Nicky decides to give the guys a pep talk saying they are family now. The girls are just going on with their work. Jules thinks it’s all male bravado while she explains the menu to the judges. The lemon tart now has a raspberry coolie with it.
Working on the Entrée of pasta will be Liliana Noelene Faiza and Neha. The group have a discussion on how long it will take to cook Liliana says it will take 5 minutes Noelene thinks they have enough but Liliana is sticking to her instinct and making more.
Over on the boys’ side Michael and Vern are in charge of the pumpkin soup while Layton Daniel and Xavier are on the chicken pie for the main and Leyton who is from the country is stuck with the pastry but he seems to be doing all right.
With an hour and half left Nicky isn’t doing much except for giving orders. Gary talks to him about this and says they needed someone to lead so that is what he is doing.
The girls are working well as are the boys Kelety is working on his mushy peas and everyone’s expressing an opinion on how to improve it so he’s a bit worried. With only half an hour left the girls are having trouble with their desert with the tarts not setting yet and they have half an hour so they are going to prey. Dan and Andrew are working on the desert well until Andrew beats all the sour cream so it’s all runny instead of folding through the sugar as well. It’s now a liquid so into the fridge it goes. Hopefully it sets to go in between the layers or there is no desert. With 15 minutes left the judges are worried.
The girls are plating up the pasta and it falls apart so it is over cocked. The cream for the boy desert is still runny so they are going to try and whip it. The meringues are stuck and cracked so the desert is changed at the last minute to an Eton mess but that won’t work either and there is 5 minutes left
Kelety is worried about his peas they are not what he wanted. While the lemon tart has set and the pie is looking great. The desert turns out to be the Meringue and praline broken up with the cream on the side. Time is up and it’s now time for the judging.
The girls will be serving first up in the new Master Chef dining room. First up is the Fettuccini with chili infused oil and parmesan crisp.
George says it’s overcooked while Nicky finds a bit of a band aid in his dish now for the main and it’s delicious and everyone’s enjoying it
Time for the desert now and the first thing the judges notice is there is no cream with the dish and it’s needed to balance it out.
The boys are next to serve up. Time for the pumpkin soup which gorge notes its super thick while someone else notes that all they can taste us the onion and not a lot of the pumpkin.
Next up is the chicken pie and mushy pie. It is instantly loved. While the mushy peas haven’t been cooked out enough,
Now time for the desert which is now a deconstructed jaonaise cake. They don’t know how to describe it.
Now it’s time for the results. The judges loved the entrée and main but the desert was a disaster. The girl’s deserts need cream while Samira’s main was the dish of the day their entrée wasn’t that great.
The winner of the first round is the girls we will find out tomorrow what the advantage is.