It’s the final two weddings of the experiment and first up is young at heart Groom, TONY, who is looking for the everlasting love his parents had and someone who can match his youthful energy. Bride MORENA is a fun-loving fitness instructor and a rocking DJ at the age of 57. A dedicated mother of two, MORENA is looking forward to experiencing love for the first time after spending 29 years in a loveless marriage.
For the Experts second match, career-driven JACQUI is yet to find a man that can reach her standards, and project manager RYAN has high expectations that he’s not willing to lower. Beaming with confidence, Bride JACQUI tends to intimidate men with her self-described great looks and intelligence. While our Groom, RYAN, a modern-day warrior, has persevered bullying at a young age and is now a tower of strength, physically and mentally. RYAN has an acronym for his perfect match: ‘EPIC’: Energy, Physicality, Intellect and Confidence.
It’s both couples wedding day and Groom TONY goes back to his roots making sure his Macedonian heritage is included in the wedding preparations. This includes shots of 70-proof RAKIJA (moonshine) to give the celebrations some kick and a traditional Macedonian ritual that marks the transition from bachelorhood to married life – the shaving of the groom.
At the same time, MORENA is having her dream dress fitted by her friend Josephine, a dress that represents the woman she’s become, and her children join in to share the excitement of their mum’s big day! MORENA’s daughter Olivia and son, Stefan, want nothing more than for their mum to find a perfect man who will treat her like a queen. It’s a match made in heaven when TONY & MORENA lock eyes for the first time – the couple exchange heartwarming vows and quickly learn they share the same values when it comes to family.
Meanwhile, Bride JACQUI wants it all—a strong, successful, good-looking, intelligent, real man who will take the lead. RYAN is without any nerves, as he is sure he can be an asset to anyone with his strength, intelligence, and warrior mentality, and hopes his bride is as good-looking as he is.
The two meet eyes at the altar and instantly RYAN is smitten, but JACQUI is concerned her Groom has dark hair and is not clean-shaven on his wedding day. The two exchange vows and JACQUI makes it clear what she expects from a husband, including taking the lead and giving up his jacket when she’s cold. Things seem to be going well, but when RYAN doesn’t take the lead after the ceremony and fails to take JACQUI’s hand, she can’t hide her disappointment leading to tears.
At their wedding photoshoot, things go from bad to worse – despite JACQUI stipulating she loves a gentleman and a leader in her vows, RYAN is blind to his brides’ cues as JACQUI shivers through the photoshoot having to ask RYAN for his jacket. RYAN believes they are hitting it off, meanwhile JACQUI has her doubts.
MORENA & TONY are having a much easier time at their wedding as the couple continue to bond with each other and their families…until TONY’s cousin Stephen gets involved. Unbeknownst to MORENA, Stephen can’t help but voice his concerns to TONY. Stephen pulls TONY aside, admitting he believes MORENA is ‘much too old for TONY’ and that he should be with someone younger. However, his advice falls on deaf ears with TONY dismissing his cousins’ concerns wanting to give MORENA a chance – he believes there is something there.
Over at JACQUI and RYAN’s reception, unhappy JACQUI is starting to warm to her husband after learning about his successful career and upbringing. They connect on their values and the pair start to hit it off. Finally, it’s time for their first dance, and RYAN takes the lead attempting to dip JACQUI – RYAN missteps, stands on JACQUI’s dress and horrifyingly drops his bride causing hysteria amongst the guests.
RYAN is mortified, while JACQUI finds the humour in the moment telling him it’s ok and she thinks it’s funny. Despite JACQUI’s words of comfort, RYAN can’t let it go, requesting for the faux pas to be excluded from the experiment as if it never happened, as he’ll be the first groom ever in the history of MARRIED AT FIRST SIGHT to drop his bride.