Last night on Big Brother, Sam and Drew’s simmering flirtation turned into a full blown love affair, sealed with their first kiss. Later that night, romance bubbled away in the spa between Joel and Aleisha.
With 17 people in the house sharing limited rations, frustrations started bubbling beneath the surface, but Big Brother had a plan.
In last night’s house task, housemates vented their inner angst, rage and frustration in return for food. Dave was the first to vent, screaming at top of his lungs, and was showered with coffee beans. Other housemates followed the suit, resulting in a much calmer, sharing and caring household.
The three nominated housemates faced off in a gut-wrenching second chance challenge to win safety from eviction. Layla swept an emotional win, leaving Mel and Drew on the chopping board.
During the eviction ceremony, royalty Reggie and Tim were successful in convincing the housemates to keep Drew in the game. Mel became the second housemate to leave the house, much to the newbies’ dismay.
“I believe what happened in that eviction is Drew shined his genuine qualities through. I know I was going against an O.G. that had Tim create a campaign for him. Tim’s a powerful man,” said Mel.