Michelle & Steve’s NSW home is simply hell on a concrete slab for these contestants with asbestos, termites and rot sending them all to the deep pits of ‘falling behind’. Can any of them regain their position?
There are four days to go to renovate this beast of a house. And by beast, I mean ‘timber skeleton’, because after asbestos removal and termite damaged wood removal, that’s all that’s left. Carly & Leighton have to build a deck, but they can’t keep any of the old decking. For safety reasons, they have to build the new deck as they demolish the old one so they have a platform to work off of.
Jane & Plinio have done some design shopping but they now have to buy construction materials. For this reason, Plinio will be this week’s shopper. Jane, as on site team member, finds it difficult initially to work with the tradies. It isn’t long before mismeasurements are made.
Most of the contestants are doing some shopping for their zones. Meanwhile, Sean and Ben agree to create a new access point where an existing window is. Ben doesn’t have the time to rip the wall up, so Sean will have to do it. As he gets his hands dirty, so does Jane who rips down a wall Plinio was marked to rip down. What a ripper!
Jemma is picking out good items to suit the ‘beach-theme’ house rule. Her shopping blows the budget. A call to Ben is no help. Looks like they’ll have to learn how to do the trade work themselves. When Jemma returns to give the news, she is relegated to painting about 35km worth of architraves and skirtings. It will be a two day job and will set them back a bit. People not being set back are Carly & Leighton. Carly has done all her shopping and helps get stuff moving faster in the zone.
Meanwhile, Chris & Nick are finding it hard to design Michelle & Steve’s 20 year old daughter’s bedroom. When Chris goes out to shop, he expects waterproofing to be completed in their bathroom at the house. When he returns, the concrete is still drying and the water proofer is waiting!
That night, Nick & Chris decide to create their own Moroccan tile pattern after failing to find one themselves. The next day, they lay out their design for the tiler and Jemma thinks it is ugly. When they’re getting installed, Nick thinks he may not have enough and he doesn’t have enough time to order more. He’s run out of blue tiles just sort of finishing. He decides to hide the part of the wall without blue tiles with the bathtub.
Less than 3 days remain and work is in full swing. Carly & Leighton want to make a lot of headway with their deck. Jemma is just simply painting all day.
Meanwhile, Amy & Sean are trying to fit their brief of a ‘muso’ pad for Jesse’s bedroom. They have to deliberate on design ideas. Jane & Plinio are also doing some planning of their kitchen. They’ve bought a high-tech fridge which is their ticket item, but it doesn’t seem to fit.
Chester is also worried they’re leaving it too late for tiling. Jane breaks down because of this. Luckily, the tiler shows up and they can start tiling today.
Carly has shown promise today as a hard working tradie, so Leighton gives her a tool belt!
To end the show, Chris asks the girls for advice on dressing up a romantic room. Their suggestions are stupid, haha. Despite this, Chris goes shopping.
All in all, a productive day!