Today marks 1 full year since the site began and what a year it has been………..
The site has racked up a monumental 1266 posts in the space of a year. These posts included news items like the ending of Rafters and the death of Cory Monteith to name a few, along with programming stories like the big death episodes of Offspring and Neighbours. Recaps also played a huge part of the site in 2013 and Courtney gets a huge thank you for her support with those for stepping up and filling in when things got way too busy. I’d like to officially announce that they won’t continue in 2014 in the current format but I’ll still provide all key information for you to keep up with the show. The decision to stop the recaps was made purely on a factor of time and hopefully gives me more time to file some reviews.
Now there are a few people who deserve some very special mentions. To the networks, thank you for making things so easy. To all those who have commented throughout the year . Special shout outs to Bianca, Chris and Andrew.
To the twitter followers, thanks for spreading the word by re tweeting or conversing with me . Nicola Charles, Dan Barrett, Louise Burrows and Johanna Griggs as well as Trainer Luke and Jake from MKR 2013 and Michael Paynter are just a few of the names i have had the pleasure of talking too.
Steve Molk has also been a key player in this site’s success so thanks Steve for all the helpful advice over the year. Be sure to check out his site Molk’s TV Talk .
To all the readers, you guys are just as important so thank you for reading. It’s been a pleasure to do this and I hope you guys stick around for 2014 – there is some pretty cool stuff ahead.
Now last, but most certainly by no means least, Courtney, where do I begin with you? A huge thank you for starters; I wouldn’t have started this journey if it wasn’t for your help and influence. There have been many challenges over the course of the year but we managed to smile and laugh through them all and solider on. The role you play behind the scenes from making sure I’m on top of things,to filling the occasional story is majorly appreciated.
Thanks again for a cracker of a year, here’s to the next one.
Happy Birthday, Ryno! It was a pleasure helping you out in the past year and watching this site grow! Thank you for your kind words. All the best in 2014!! 😀