This weekend, 10Shake unveils one of the most anticipated kids series in Dive Club.
Dive Club follows four teenage friends Maddie (Miah Madden), Lauren (Georgia-May Davis), Stevie (Sana’a Shaik), and Anna (Aubri Ibrag), who go diving for buried treasure and upload their adventures to YouTube around Cape Mercy. Their idyllic and peaceful existence is shattered when, after diving, the town is battered by a cyclone and Lauren, the group’s charismatic trailblazer, goes missing.
Chief Rose (Jai Koutrae) discovers that his only daughter, Lauren, and her small boat is missing and as time passes, Izzie (Mercy Cornwall) and her father John (Tim Ross), an engineer, arrive on the island as part of the clean-up team. Izzie quickly befriends the Dive Club, who are determined to find answers about Lauren’s disappearance. With the official investigation not adding up, the group find out things aren’t as simple as they appear, and so begins an adventure for answers.
The series isn’t just about the mystery though, with the girls also juggling romantic interests. For Stevie, it’s the mysterious return of Hayden (Alexander Grant), who’s best friend Henry (Josh Heuston) was dating Lauren, while Brad (Joseph Spanti) has caught Anna’s attention.
The cast of mostly fresh faces are compelling as they unravel the mystery and face hurdles in the movie-length premiere. Chemistry is key and I found myself being drawn into the show as we explore new friendships and fitting into an established friendship group.
Created by Steve Jaggi and his team, Dive Club opens with a bang and doesn’t let up in the three episodes made available for this review and make up the premiere. Each character is compelling and the story arc has many twists and turns to keep the whole family engaged.
4 Stars
Dive Club premieres 6:00pm Saturday on 10Shake