Lord Sugar is testing the celebrity’s inner child – tasking them with writing a children’s book with merchandise to match. They must develop, write and illustrate a unique and original story, which they will then bring to live in a live performance in front of a crowd of troublesome tots. The team with the most votes from their young audience will win twenty thousand dollars for their Project Manager’s charity.
Will and Woody are keen to sink their teeth into the task – nominating themselves as Team Collaborate’s project managers. Amy Shark thinks she can write a catchy tune to play during Innovate’s live performance, and so with their project manager’s locked in the teams work into the night to get their story ideas flowing. The next day Will and Woody (who has been secretly writing their story all night) present their idea of an Elf who grew a tail to their team. While the team is a little confused by the story, they love the overall message of being happy with yourself, and go with it. Team Innovate are off to a flying start, having already written and illustrated their book about Puddles the dog who pees everywhere. Cue Janine here to destroy all their hopes and dreams. Turns out an incontinent dog named Puddles has already featured in a book…a copyright infringement issue that Bronte (intellectual property manager) failed to pick up during their night before brainstorm. They have no choice but to change the name….setting them back hours in this task.
Beck thinks Collaborate have problems of their own. Beck can’t start illustrating until the characters and story is nutted out, but editor Turia keeps fighting every detail at every turn. They are running out of time! Thank fully Ronnie (who has been missing for the morning tending to a family emergency) returns and start throwing his weight around. Turia is the biggest threat to his game at the moment, and he sees this as his opportunity to get her out of the competition.
As their performances are underway, Team Collaborate’s elaborate tale seems confusing for their target demographic… and naming characters after their Apprentice Alumni (including a goat named Janine) is too much of an “in joke” for the audience to understand. It’s team Innovate’s time to shine…and while they may have a catchy tune of “no, Fuzzy, no” to accompany Darren’s enthusiastic narration, can they beat the dreaded witching hour and hold the young audience’s attention? They need the kids votes to win!
Turns out they can… they enter the boardroom and Lord Sugar crowns them victorious, with a close vote of 13 to 15. As Collaborate enter the boardroom Ronnie will fight tooth and nail to stay in the competition, and puts his plan into action to try and eliminate his biggest hurdle to success, Turia. But ultimately Will and Woody decide it is them who has to go, and they are fired. Turia and Ronnie’s developing feud lives on.