Brooke Chooses Her Final Three.

Brooke Chooses Her Final Three.

On tonight’s dramatic episode of The Bachelorette Australia, Brooke’s suitors painted her as part of a group date art challenge, Darvid and Brooke spent the day at a winery on the last single date of the season, sceptical family members and formidable friends put Brooke to the ultimate test at hometowns, and we said goodbye to Kurt, Millie and Konrad at two emotional rose ceremonies.

Tonight’s group date saw the participants use Brooke as part of their painting inspiration. While everyone’s artwork impressed Brooke, it was Konrad’s who touched her the most and scored him some extra time with her.

Brooke took Darvid on a special single date where the pair got their feet dirty and squished grapes to make wine. Later, Brooke opened up to him about needing a long-term unconditional love.

Hometowns kicked off with a video call with Konrad’s mother Ella, father Roger and brother Charlie. Roger got emotional as he spoke about one of Konrad’s past relationships which ended in heartbreak. He pleaded with Brooke not to break his son’s heart.

Next up was a face-to-face meeting with Jamie-Lee’s best mates Dee and Monique. Dee wasted no time in asking Brooke if she was in love with Jamie-Lee.

Darvid’s family were up next, with his mum Elaine and sister Roya joining Brooke for a video chat. Elaine was curious if Brooke would relocate to Brisbane for Darvid as his family and business was all there.

Brooke’s final meeting was face-to-face with Holly’s mum Suzi, her twin sister Paige, and her younger sister Chelsea. Brooke revealed that she planned to eventually move back to Western Australia, which alerted a red flag with Holly as she was unsure about moving across the country for Brooke.

The topic of children also came up and Brooke told Suzi that she wanted three kids, but Suzi said Holly was always vocal about having either one child or no children at all.

At two emotional rose ceremonies, Kurt, Millie and Konrad failed to receive a rose.


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