Tonight on Big Brother, Temptation Week once again provided a distraction for the housemates.
Tully and Jules couldn’t resist snacking on KFC, ignoring the task at hand in the Panic Room and landing yet another punishment for the entire house.
While in the Waiting Room, Tim and Brenton forged a secret alliance before discovering the game-changing decision Big Brother wanted them to make.
At the second chance challenge, the nominated housemates were suspended like puppets and had to avoid falling down. Estelle held strong to win safety from eviction, leaving Drew and Jules on the chopping block.
With eviction looming, Jules pleaded to the newbies and Drew sought salvation from old friends, realigning himself with the OGs.
But at the eviction, Big Brother’s latest twist sent shock waves into the house. Tim and Brenton’s wait ended with an opportunity to control the game, and when the duo accepted the offer to send one of the nominated housemates home without knowing who was up for eviction, every other vote was cancelled.
In the diary room. Tim and Brenton made a massive play and claimed their first victim: Jules.