As we wrap week 1 of Big Brother there was yet another eviction.
The final four Housemates Danni, Hannah, Shane and SooBong entered the Big Brother house via a cage suspended from a crane over the backyard. For every hour that the existing Housemates left the four newbies in caged confinement, they would receive $50 towards their luxury shopping budget. The existing Housemates left the new arrivals hanging for three hours earning $150.
Sarah wasn’t happy to see Hannah but Talia was even less impressed (especially after Hannah asked if she was a stripper) and wanted her gone! SooBong’s insane physical prowess made him an instant target while Angela finally got some tea.
Switching Gears – Playing in pairs, Housemates had to stand together on podiums that swivelled and tilted. There were three different podiums which got progressively smaller and more precarious. At regular intervals, Big Brother instructed Housemates to transition to the next podium. If anyone fell off whilst getting onto the next podium the pair was eliminated. The last pair standing won the challenge.
Talia and Sarah won the power to nominate three Housemates for eviction. They chose SooBong, Hannah and Marrissa. Marissa advised the other Housemates to watch out! but ultimately, self-described terminator SooBong was himself terminated from the game with a whopping 12 votes while the ladies received 2 votes each.
SooBong Hwang, Adelaide –
“Maybe I was overconfident but if I was a threat to Dan I’m going to take it cause that’s who I am. I have a message for the Housemates… have fun, go for fun, enjoy and make a big smile. That’s what I wanted to do so I want you to do exactly the same for me, have fun.”