Last night Big Brother decided to play no tricks and for the first time nominations were final.
Facing eviction this week are
Upon eviction the Sugar Sisters Katie & Lucy gave the Nomination Super Power to Jade. The Super Power this week was The Auditor, the most revealing Super Power yet. After the Housemates had voted in the Diary Room and filed away their nominations, Jade had the power to select and view the files of three Housemates, revealing who they voted for. Jade was then able to select one of the three files and destroy it in the shredder. Jade decided to shred Tim’s file, in the hope of saving Ed from nomination. Jade said “That’s huge [the power], thanks Katie & Lucy!”
Tahan is feeling the pressure yet again, with the highest amount of nomination points this week. Drew nominated Tahan because he feels she is “the fiercest competitor” and Jade agrees, saying “I think she is one of the biggest threats in the House”. Mikkayla’s reasons for nominating Tahan were less strategic and more personal, “She is not a nice person, she is manipulative”.
The newest Big Brother Housemate Nathan was exempt from being nominated or nominating, and was relieved to not have the angst of being the next Housemate up for eviction after less than a week in the House.
The polls have closed for the latest intruders Madaline and Boog. It won’t be long before one of them becomes a bona fide Big Brother Housemate.
Voting lines are now open to save this week’s round of nominees from eviction next Wednesday. The Housemate with the least number of ‘votes to save’ will be evicted from the Big Brother House during the live eviction show 7.00pm next Wednesday.
Here’s how to vote to save your favourite Housemate:
SMS – to save Ben, Drew, Ed, Tahan OR Tim, text their name to 199 55 999.
Phone – phone the below number of the Housemate you want to save:
BEN – 1902 55 95 01
DREW – 1902 55 95 03
ED – 1902 55 95 04
TAHAN – 1902 55 95 13
TIM – 1902 55 95 14
Voting lines are now open with SMS/Phone voting closing at 7.23pm AEST, Wednesday 9th October 2013.