The game of Big Brother got a much needed shake up.last night.
Australia has voted Cougar Cat (31, Melbourne) and one half of #Trasha, Aisha (22, Sydney) out of the Big Brother House.
On stage, one of Australia’s most talked about Housemates Cat chatted with Sonia about her relationship with Lawson and said she was prepared to answer the tough questions. “You can’t help who you fall for and it’s even harder if that person is in a tricky situation. Candice was always on my mind, it was hard not to consider her feelings, but I’d rather someone’s feelings be hurt for something real than something fake,” she said.
Also on stage to greet Cat was her Big Brother love and last night’s evictee, Lawson. He told Sonia he had reservations about coming on stage: “I didn’t want to take away from Cat’s time out here, but since being out for the last 24 hours I know it’s going to be a tough ride for us and I didn’t want her facing that alone.”
Sonia asked Lawson if he had spoken to his girlfriend and he said: “I’ve tried to contact her (Candice) but she doesn’t want to speak to me, which is understandable. I think she deserves that respect. Perhaps she doesn’t ever want to speak to me and I have to respect that.”
With the second couple separated for this season, loved-up Aisha also left the house, having to tear herself away from a devastated Travis.
On stage with Sonia Kruger, Kiwi-born Aisha said she had no regrets after not taking the $50,000, because “having an extra two weeks, and the Big Brother experience, meant more to me than any amount of money”.
Of her relationship with Travis, Aisha said that on first impression she thought Travis was the biggest goose ever. But crying happy tears, she said: “I am so lucky to have met someone like him in such a crazy experience like this (Big Brother). I can definitely see this relationship surviving on the outside.”
The game us now on things have just got interesting given the producers can’t fall back on filling the show with couple drama.
Tune in to Big Brother tonight at 8.30pm on GO!