It’s the heartbreaking story that has gripped the nation and this weekend 60 Minutes will talk to the Australian parents of Baby Gammy.
60 Minutes Executive Producer Tom Malone said “The Australian parents of baby Gammy and his twin sister, have asked us for the opportunity to tell their side of the story.”
“We never comment on any commercial arrangements between 60 Minutes and our interview subjects but given the nature of this story, it’s important our viewers know that no money has been or will be paid to the parents. However, 60 Minutes will be making a donation to the charity Hands Across the Water, which is raising money for Gammy’s ongoing treatment and care.”
“60 Minutes has not in any way interfered with any inquiries by the Western Australian Department of Child Protection, or Western Australian Police.”
Gammy’s Australian parents have asked 60 Minutes to immediately release the following information on their behalf, which we have agreed to do:
They would like Australia to hear their side of the story, before passing judgement on them.
They have been cooperating with the Department of Child Protection since Wednesday morning, and will continue to do so.
They were feeding their dog every day until the RSPCA took her away.
9:10 PM Sunday on Nine.