Tim and Matt’s exterior gets a makeover

Tim and Matt’s exterior gets a makeover

This week the teams tackled Tim & Matt’s house as phase 3 reached it’s half way point.

House Rules
Rule 1 Design a modern cottage garden out front
Rule 2 Fuse formal with hip Melbourne out back
Rule 3 Build a place to hang with mates
Rule 4 Create a real surprise!
Rule 5 Choose your zone


PETE & COURTNEY (VIC) Front garden
Jamie (at Homebase) You created a structure, a magnet, a reason to be there. It was brilliant.
LLB (at Homebase) That was a Melbourne front garden from heaven.
Wendy It’s an entirely different looking house.
Tim and Mat   They have nailed the modern country garden. (Mat) Overall, we both loved it.
Score 35 /40

SHAYN & CARLY (QLD) Dining and playzone
Jamie (Layout) The position of the layout is right with (the BBQ/bar) at the very end.
LLB (Outdoor kitchen/bar) This is very luxey.
Wendy (Dining) modern with a hip Melbourne vibe but missing punches of colour.
Tim and Mat (Tim) I think the space is really great, but I feel like things have been put in the wrong spot. (Mat) The bar was the wow area and it got a bit lost out the back.
Score 31/40

LISA & ANDY (SA) Outdoor lounge and sunken firepit
Jamie (Sunken firepit) hits the rule and works well to bring people together.
LLB (outdoor lounge) This is extremely sophisticated.
Wendy (Sunken firepit) They here. There is no room for kids and the sharp edges are dangerous.

Tim and Mat (Tim) The firepit lets the whole zone down. (Mat) The sunken area was a miss for us.
Score 27/40


OVERALL PASS + 3 points
LLB         PASS
Jamie      FAIL
Wendy    PASS





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