The Secret Mission is uncovered

The Secret Mission is uncovered

On last night’s episode of I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!,the biggest secret mission in the history of secret missions was revealed to the campmates.

In a shocking twist, The David is not an internationally renowned shoe designer with 3.9 million Instagram followers, but just a regular David from the Goldie. 

Can you believe it? Well, you can because you knew all along, but when The David lost his “The”, Beau lost the plot.  

The ultimate deception was uncovered when the camp was told that the luxury treehouse retreat that had appeared was actually a reward that was hard earned by several of their fellow campmates after successfully completing a week long challenge. 

It was time for camp mum and head schemer, Poh Ling Yeow, and her accomplices, Joey Essex and Davina Rankin, to fess up.

Following the shock news, the celebrities were given the chance to vote David in as one of their own, or turf him out as an imposter. By the rule of thumbs, the 11 real celebrities dubbed David from the Gold Coast, a full-fledged celebrity.

Despite unanimously voting for David to stay, hours later, Beau Ryan struggled to get over the fact he was duped… primarily because he was promised a pair of Eight Inch Daves to give to his wife for Christmas.


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