The Cookie Idol Has Crumbled

The moment we have all been waiting for happened on tonight’s delicious episode of Australian Survivor: Heroes V Villains…the Cookie Idol was finally played.

Here’s how the cookie crumbled…

In the dead of night, Flick and Matt gave Stevie the destiny symbol, a sign that they were now working with Simon on the other tribe in order to take down King George. 

At the Immunity Challenge, Liz told Shonee and George that Simon had given his “Idol” to Flick and Matt. After George and Shonee throw said Immunity Challenge, it was looking like Ben, Flick or Matt were on the chopping block. Their only chance was to convince Stevie to flip on George, or for Flick to play her “Idol”. 

At Tribal Council, George offered Flick a deal – to throw her Idol on the fire and join his alliance. After much deliberation, Flick decided it was too big a risk and rejected George’s offer. 

After the votes had been cast, Flick played her “Idol” for Matt, before Jonathan LaPaglia revealed it was in fact, not a real hidden Immunity Idol and was useless. However, the votes ended up on Benjamin Law who was sent packing.  


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