It’s five days to guest bedroom reveal and the drama is heating up.
Rachel has returned from a visit she had to make to visit her three kids in Sydney. It was great to see her babies and she feels much better.
Sharon is trying to get on top of the budget, realising she has already spent 20 per cent of her and Ankur’s Mitre 10 budget.
Our contestants are all wondering what country style is, which the judges obviously want. They got a hint when they visited the rooms that Scott Cam has already completed in his house.
Dylan and Jenny took a keen look at what Scotty was doing to hopefully improve. They are planning chequered Grafico wallpaper in their guest bedroom in House No.4.
Tom and Oz and Omar have a growing bromance on The Block.
Sharon and Ankur are struggling the most with the reality of The Block.
It’s the first challenge of The Block, the Domain Nosy Neighbour Challenge. What our contestants must do is visit three amazing houses in the Macedon Ranges pretending to be Nosy Neighbours and asking lots of questions. In the end a quiz hosted by Scotty and whoever wins, takes home $5000.
After a long day there is a clear winner. Sharon is so quick at getting the answers right they take out the much-needed prize of $5000. After such a tough start to the week, it’s an incredible confidence boost. They also take out the gnome which will give them a bonus point in judging that they can use whenever they like