Last night The Biggest Loser started to get real with the first elimination.
In the first explosive elimination of the season, the blue team’s Terry Pestell is the first contestant to be voted off TBL Families after Sunday’s team weigh-in.
After being handed a five-kilogram weight disadvantage from the red team at the start of the weigh-in, Terry and his family found themselves below the yellow line alongside the black team. In a selfless act, after losing 7.5 kilograms at the weigh-in, Terry decided to put himself up for elimination. He felt that his daughters needed to stay in the competition to achieve more than he ever could.
With the Hailwood and Jofre families casting their votes between Moses Auvale and Terry Pestell for elimination, it was Terry who received the most number of votes, bringing his time in the competition to an end.
Terry said: “What I take away from TBL House is a change of attitude. I believe I can still lose the weight and I’ve got a long way to go, but I need to step up and be a role model for my daughters”.
Now his trainer Shannan and devastated daughters must deal with the aftermath, regroup and focus hard to stay in the competition.
The Biggest Loser Familes airs 7:30 pm Sunday-Tuesday on Ten.