Shark Tank Season 6 Review

Shark Tank Season 6 Review
STAU24: SDO1 / MONDAY 22 JULY 2024 Dundies - Emily Martin Picture: Dylan Coker

10 returns to the Shark Tank for a sixth season, but is it still a good investment?

For those needing a refresher on the format, Shark Tank sees aspiring Australian entrepreneurs step into the iconic shark tanks to pitch their innovative ideas and seek investment from a panel of seasons business moguls, known as the Sharks.

This season sees five Sharks ready to put their money on the line: Davie Fogarty, the founder of Davie Group and ten consumer brands including the best-selling blanket hoodie, The Oodie; Jane Lu, the energetic and fiercely independent CEO of online fashion boutique Showpo; and Robert Herjavec, a seasoned Shark from Shark Tank US, all return for another season. They are joined by Queensland telco giant turned health and beauty entrepreneur, Maxine Horne, and Melbournian Nick Bell, a serial entrepreneur, smart tech guru, savvy investor, and new age explorer. 

The first episode features four pitches, ranging from dog nappies to a portable toilet paper holder when you go camping.

Each Shark had different skills of expertise, allowing them to ask each pitcher the tough by necessary questions before investing in these products and businesses. The new Sharks slot right in, making for an interesting and fun competitive battle.

The sixth season of Shark Tank is certainly worth investing in to get you through the mid-week slump.

4 Stars

Shark Tank premieres Wednesday, 16 October at 8:30pm on 10 before moving to 7:30pm from October 23.


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