Nathan decided to walk out on the Big Brother game last night but was it really fair?
Nathan had chosen to leave the Big Brother House of his own accord, sacrificing his position in the game so that Intruder Madeline can continue , a tearful Nathan went to the diary room and told Big Brother he wanted to leave so both Boog and Madaline could stay in the house.
The video of his chat with Big Brother was later played to the housemates, with tears flowing from almost all the housemates. “I’m too different,” Nathan said, adding that he had done everything in the house that he had set out to do.
Earlier in the episode, Nathan had talked about his difficulties fitting in with the Big Brother housemates, saying that his age had been a barrier.He also had a bristling exchange with Tim in which he accused him of going out of his way to make other people “feel bad”.
While I get why he wanted to exit the game and respect his decision to do so no swap should have taken place the public wanted Madeline to go she should have left as well.What’s next will Jade sacrifice herself to keep Ed in the house.