This Sunday My Kitchen Rules does something really special.
For the first time in the competition’s history, former MKR teams will return to Kitchen HQ to judge contestants’ dishes in an unmissable event.
Carmine & Lauren Chris & Cookie Eve & Jason Mike & Tarq who were the bottom four at the end of the last episode will cook for the best of the best of MKR alumni.
wo teams will cook main and two teams will cook dessert. They will have 60 minutes to impress the toughest critics to date with their signature dish.
The alumni, along with the judges Pete Evans and Manu Feildel, will decide who the lowest two teams are.
MKR alumni teams returning to judge include:
Robert & Lynzey (Series 6)
Will & Steve (Series 6 Winner)
Ash & Camilla (Series 6)
Chloe & Kelly (Series 5)
Helena & Vikki (Series 5)
Angela & Melina (Series 4)
Dan & Steph (Series 4 Winner)
Carly & Tresne (Series 5)
Jennifer (Series 3 Winner)
Sophia (Series 4)
Nic & Rocco (Series 3)
It’s an emotional return for many including MKR 2013 winners Dan and Steph Mulheron who now own and operate their own café and catering business in Hervey Bay.
“Walking through Kitchen Headquarter’s doors, I’m not going to lie, it’s very emotional. This is where our dreams started and came true,” said Steph.
2015 MKR winner Steve Flood agreed saying kitchen HQ is “a place where some pretty amazing things can happen.”