Jamie Oliver goes on a Sugar rush for Ten

Jamie Oliver goes on a Sugar rush for Ten

On Sunday night Ten will air a new Jamie Oliver  documentary called  Jamie’s Sugar Rush.


 Jamie’s new mission is to investigate the role that sugar is playing in rising global health problems. Experts are warning that excess sugar is as dangerous as alcohol and tobacco, contributing to huge increases in obesity and Type 2 diabetes that are ruining millions of lives. 

Jamie meets some of the three million people in the UK who are suffering the devastating effects of Type 2 diabetes. Speaking to specialists around the world, he takes us through the sugar that is getting into our everyday foods without us realising. 

Uncovering every detail, Jamie discovers the worrying effects that marketing unhealthy snacks to children has on a nation. To see how our future could look, Jamie travels to Mexico, which has some of the highest consumption of sugar sweetened drinks in the world. Jamie explains: “I have witnessed enough to give me a solid determination that we have to take action”.

 The documentary reveals Jamie’s plan to lobby the government, to commit to more positive changes to the food and drinks industry that will improve the public health, and how he plans to make them listen right here, right now.

Jamie’s Sugar Rush.airs 8:30pm Sunday on Ten


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