Ivan Fails To Step Up On Double Date.

Ivan Fails To Step Up On Double Date.

The Bachelorette dropped a double date surprise on  two guys on a massive episode.

After The Bachelorette’s infamous double date decider between Ivan and Bill, Ali set Ivan free to pursue his dance dreams, knowing her plans to settle down and get serious didn’t line up with his.

As Ali told him: “You have so much love to give and I want you to dance all over the world.” The 29-year-old was nothing short of devastated and lamented to her: “I wanted to dance for you.”

During the cooking themed date, Ali made her decision over the deafening noise of a blender, where Ivan disastrously and hilariously attempted to puree two whole avocados in order to make a mousse for everyone at the table.

The decision left Bill still standing (along with a rose) proving his honest intentions to Ali.


Returning to the mansion instead of Ivan made resident alpha-male Charlie predictably livid. Bill retorted: “It’s The Bachelorette, not the Charlie show.


The other departure of tonight’s episode was ex-Army officer Jules, who at the conclusion of the rose ceremony, insisted one of the remaining bachelors put a ring on it and invite him to the wedding.


Earlier on during this week’s group date, the bachelors had to work with a group of toddlers to build a bicycle. Charlie knew what he was doing and had his eyes on the prize. Todd wanted to ensure his little companion had fun and, while building a bike wasn’t Taite’s forte, his goofy side came out which Ali loved.


In the end Charlie’s determination paid off and he got the extra time with Ali. Ali thanked him for having her back during the last cocktail party and she rewarded him with a kiss and a rose.


At the cocktail party Bill tried to smooth some things over with Charlie and it appeared to work, which confused the other bachelors. Charlie was feeling overly confident after his alone time with Ali but as soon as Bill was taken aside, Charlie quickly turned again.




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