Holy Mackerel, That Was A Close One

Holy Mackerel, That Was A Close One

For thnth leg, our celebs embarked on a breathtaking journey to the stunning island of Borneo, where nature’s wonders collided with the absolute panic and mayhem of four celebrity teams scrambling towards the grand finale of The Amazing Race Australia: Celebrity Edition.

Amidst Borneo’s wondrous coastal backdrop, something fishy was going on. At a bustling local fish market, teams had to clean and gut six fish. Arriving at the challenge first, Emma, an Irish Dancer with strong legs but lacking in upper body strength, struggled to chop fish, which saw Harry and Teddy o-fish-ally overtake the ladies to take the lead.

Next up, teams had to choose between Saving The Mangroves or Saving The Reef.

Darren and Tristan, and Alli and Angie chose to Save The Reef by collecting five kilograms of dead coral and gluing 15 living coral fragments to their surface before swimming the coral back out into the ocean. It seems Darren’s time playing the role of a Marine Scientist on Sea Change came in handy because this reef had no beef with him when he successfully completed the challenge first.

At the mangroves, teams had to kayak three kilometres to collect 36 seeds from a mangrove forest and return to plant them in a pot. Harry and Teddy may be built for kayaking, but sadly they didn’t have their listening ears on and only collected 24 seeds which saw them having to backtrack in order to collect 12 more. Meanwhile, Emma and Hayley were A grade students, collecting extra seeds just in case, putting them back in first place.

At the Road Block, one team member had to have sharp eyes and even sharper memory in order to spot nine masks on a bush trail and then remember the order in which they appeared. When Angie took a tumble and reinjured her back, she lost her place and had to return to the start, working together with Emma and Harry who she found on the trail. Meanwhile, Darren the sole operator, managed to beat them all and was off.

Teams then had to swim to find a floating coconut in the sea and bring it to Beau at the Pit Stop. Darren and Tristan were the first team to check in, followed closely by Harry and Teddy, and Emma and Hayley. Alli and Angie were the last team to hit the mat, but tears were flowing when Beau told them it was in fact a non-elimination leg.


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