IT’S five days to reveal and Hell Week is setting in and it’s freezing on The Block as winter weather strikes on the Macedon Ranges.
A financial audit has been called on after suspicions Omar and Oz are doing dodgy deals after they purchased a baby grand piano below 50 percent of the retail price, which is against Block rules.
Omar and Oz say they have nothing to hide and are doing The Block to win.
It’s a battle of the dog washes this week, both Ankur and Sharon and Omar and Oz will have one.
It’s very awkward between Foreman Keith and Ankur and Sharon, after word got back to him they were complaining about him on site. They make up after Sharon apologises and says she is sorry to hurt his feelings. Keith accepts the apology.
The biggest issue this week for contestants is mud on The Block. It’s shocking at the moment and the contestants can’t escape it.
Ford host a driving challenge and Omar and Oz take it out and win $10,000, which they desperately needed.
Despite it being so busy on The Block, Tom has taken up the challenge and wants to go to the pub every day for lunch.
More bickering between Ankur and Sharon and their builders as the couple go offsite together to shop. The builders aren’t happy that one of them isn’t on site.
Sharon is not happy and says as much.