20 to 1, the comedy countdown show that ruled the ratings for ten series, will return to the Nine Network later this year with new hosts, Nova radio duo Ryan “Fitzy” Fitzgerald and Michael “Wippa” Wipfli it has been announced.
The new-look 20 to 1 will be full of surprises, and include everything you love about the wild world of pop culture, sport, music, TV, movies and current affairs.
Fitzy said “I am so excited to be hosting the show, I have so many emotions about it, 20 in fact and we will be counting them down in the first episode. Episode two we will be counting down the 20 guests that Wippa had at his 21st birthday.” Fitzy and Wippa are the breakfast team on Nova 96.9 in Sydney who are also heard week nights from 6.00pm on the Nova Network across the nation.
“Every New Year’s Eve for the past decade I’ve been counting down from 10 and it’s never felt like enough. Finally a proper countdown and you can still try and kiss the person next to you when we get to number 1. Fitzy has soft lips” Wippa said, laughing.
Each week they will take aim at everything from celebrity bad behaviour to epic fails and outrageous sport stars, each episode featuring several guests giving their candid, witty and revealing insights on the theme of each episode.
With their great chemistry, Fitzy and Wippa, along their special celebrity guests, will reinvigorate 20 to 1 when it is revamped for Channel Nine in 2016.
20 to 1 will air on Nine later this year .