Dane Disappears from The Big Adventure

Dane Disappears from The Big Adventure

I didn’t see this coming at all but last night’s Big Adventure delivered an elimination full of emotion.

Dane Graham’s surprise elimination last night onThe Big Adventure  has left the remaining 10 players and fans reeling.


The 25-year-old landscaper had impressed everyone, not only with his athleticism but also with his heartwarming reasons for wanting to win the $1 million prize. Dane’s dream was to help his twin brother Luke, who was bornwith cerebral palsy and is wheelchair bound, live a better life.


After becoming Arena Champion, Todd blindsided the competition and took control of the game. In the Captains’ Pick, he chose the strongest players for himself leaving Von to deal the final blow -sending Dane home. The move sent shockwaves amongst the players. Annaleis said: “I didn’t think anybody would be that callous.


Just to see the level in which people are prepared to go to win this has knocked me for six.” Jess added: “Todd is showing and proving to be one of the most ruthless competitors.” Despite the fallout, Todd was remorseless: “Dane was the strongest competitor. It was a no brainer.”

Twitter was also abuzz with the surprise turn of events. “I cannot believe Dane just left,” one fan wrote. Another said: “If I was on this show and had to see Dane leave I would’ve eliminated myself in his place.”


Dane was philosophical about his adventure being over. “My brother lives a happy life now but I know he can do a lot more if he gets given the opportunity,” Dane says. “I will live my life trying to create that for him. The dream is definitely alive.”


Eleven golden keys still remain after Todd failed to unearth one during his Treasure Grid dig. One million dollars

The Big Adventure   airs two nights a week at 6:30 PM Sunday and 7:30 Monday on Seven.


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