The girls grill Jordan after he decided not to leave with Phoebe H when she was dumped from the villa. The overwhelming feeling is that Jordan wasn’t invested in the relationship as much as Phoebe H.
Mitch and Tina are feeling giddy again. While Tina says they are not back together, they both have the clarity they are going to give things another shot.
Mitchell talks to Callum, he wants to make Phoebe his girlfriend officially and they get planning. He creates a note about Phoebe for each Islander to give to Phoebe to read as she makes her way down from the top of the villa to the fire pit. The last note sees Mitchell ask Phoebe to be his girlfriend and there are tears all round. She says yes. We have our first official couple in the Love Island Australia villa.
Hugh gets a text, it’s a Christmas themed challenge. Our Islanders read out a comment another Islander said, and then they have to guess who said it by splashing them with a drink in the face.
Two comments stood out, Jess calling Mads a 5/10 which upset her. Also a comment Mitchell made about Austen saying he would have participated in the truth or dare game a couple of weeks ago with Phoebe H and Vakoo. This sets Claudia off and makes Austen angry. He is upset that she can’t trust him. It’s a common thing in the villa, and even the girls are getting tired of Claudia’s behaviour. Tina calls her out, telling Claudia she should trust Austen.
Austen is at a loss, he doesn’t know what else he has to do to prove that he is falling for Claudia and that she should trust him.