Celebrities learn to Sale

Celebrities learn to Sale

t’s now halfway through the competition and Lord Sugar is turning up the heat. So, for today’s task Lord Sugar has instructed the celebrities to sell, sell, sell in a massive clearance sale…but he wasn’t going to make it easy for these celebrities, there’s no gold watches, designer bags and clothes here, the celebrities will be selling everyday household junk items.

Each team will need to sell $5000 worth of product to corporate business mates and to the general public; the team that makes the most profit over $5000 will win the task and $20,000 for their Project Managers Charity.

Darren is quick to step up and take the PM role for Team Innovate but for Team Collaborate, after the losing the last task, Beck has been chosen to be Project Manager again, here’s hoping it’s second time lucky. With the project managers chosen it’s time to come up with a sales strategy, for Team Innovate, Darren has decided to sell the items at full price, to make the most profit. For Team Collaborate, Beck has chosen to sell low, with everything on discount, it’s a risky move but if it pays off it might give them the win.

With half the teams staying at the warehouse to hit up their corporate black books the other half of the team sell at the beach to the general public. Team Innovates corporate sales team are off and running, selling anything and everything; but at the beach Eloni, Amy and Carla are not having the same success. It’s the opposite over on Team Collaborate, the team the beach are off to a roaring start but for the corporate sales team they haven’t been able to make a single sale. With the sales coming through, it’s vital for Accountants Turia and Bronte to keep track of all the items the celebrities have sold, it’s a breeze for Turia but Bronte is struggling.

As time begins to run out, Team Collaborates corporate sales team start to pick up the pace and eventfully catch up to Team Innovate. With both corporate sales teams breaking even, making $5000, it’s now up to the teams at the beach to bring it home. It’s now time for the project managers need to make a tough strategy decision, sell high or sell low.

In the boardroom both teams are confident they had the better sales strategy. When the total sales profits are announced, its revealed that Accountant Bronte has made a big mistake; the team have $1500 more calculated than they actually have. With this mistake Team Innovate lose the task and Team Collaborate win.

With Darren, Bronte and Eloni in the bottom 3, it’s Eloni who is ultimately fired as he failed to sell enough items during the task.


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